Sunday, April 17, 2011

My break or lack there of.

This week was my break from school before my next semester started and let me tell you it was more work than when i am in school! The main thing that ruined my break for me was working every night during the week. It felt like HELL! Luckily I don't have to work again until Wednesday. I think I just ran out of patience with people by then end of last night and was on the verge of going postal! Not really but it felt like i was going to explode.

 Later on during the week I got to go to the Bodies Exhibit in Idaho Falls and it was so interesting, a little creepy and strange as well but still very cool. I was most impressed with the circulatory system part of the exhibit. The way they preserved the veins to the shape of the part of the body they were attached to was pretty amazing!

 I got to the point where i didn't feel like leaving my room so i decided to watch a few movies. I got started with a dark comedy called Visioneers starring Zach Galifiinakis. If you haven't seen it i would highly recommend it! Then I decided to watch Rabbit Hole with Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart. Such a great emotion filled movie. I don't know how people deal with the loss of a child but that movie gives a great insight into that type of tragedy. I then watch a romantic-comedy titled Serious Moonlight with Meg Ryan. I don't know why but i have always had a thing for her. Weird i know but what can you do.

 I dont really care if you liked Tron: Legacy but i loved it and the soundtrack continues to play through all the time for me.I have also been trying to study the art of removing yourself from the equation. I'm trying to understand this becuase in my mind it tends to make sense and keep oneself happy so i will try and figure this theology Flynn lived by in Tron: Legacy. Until next time.

Monday, April 11, 2011

April 10, 2011

Yesterday was pretty fun and relaxing! My roommate Aaron "Bubby" Patrick McGregor and i went on a road trip to Salmon, Idaho to just get away and enjoy life for a day. We took a few pictures here and there:

But for the most part we just enjoyed each others company and the beauty around northern Idaho. You wouldn't really believe it was Idaho in the spring but the area we were was still covered in snow. About 2 years ago I played a show with my old band To Russia in Salmon and it was August and it was so beautifully green and so delightful. It is now almost the middle of April and it continues to snow. On the way back home from Salmon we stopped at Dave's Pizza which in my opinion is the best pizza in Idaho. Give it a try some day if you are in the area. Well I hope you enjoyed this. Read me soon!             

Wings, Lost, and Little Caesars.

So this day was one of the laziest/boring days i have had since the semester began. The break has officially started and the town has died. Its kind of nice not  having a ton of people all over the streets jaywalking all over town. The apartment complex is quiet too. If it was warmer outside it would be amazing! It's been raining most of the day and i didn't mind that one bit but it made me sleepy for most of the day.
The best part of my day was the opportunity to watch Wings on Netflix. This is one of my favorite show i have ever had the privileged to watch. Some of the best witty lines in TV history and the show just keeps progressing! If you've never seen it and you have Netflix give it a shot!
I then participated in what I'd like to call one of the best TV shows in the last 10 years... LOST. I am watching this series for the second time and i am loving it just as much now as i did when i saw it for the first time. The character development is amazing and the interaction with their surroundings and situations are just uncanny. I wish i could write as good as those writers. Maybe one day i can learn the art of screen writing and use it like they have, and again if you haven't seen LOST all the season are on Netflix,

       The last part of my day consisted of going to work at 4 p.m. and closing tonight. I made so much dough tonight and had one mix totally turn to mush. It took forever to get it out of the mixer and was a pain to cut and get through the baller but i managed. It was pretty slow because of the break but it is still annoying when people come in at 30 minutes to close and buy all the pizzas you have when others are walking in. I do this too but why do have this need to go to a fast food place right around when they close? It pisses me off but I still do it to other places, mostly Jack-N-the Box, but still i guess we have an urge to get the last of what ever it is we are craving. Take my advice this is not always a good idea.