Wednesday, October 12, 2011

here and now...

there is so much i have seen come and go in my short life time. there are times, many times, i wish i could travel back and change things in my life, if only to see the outcome change in the tiniest bit. i have so many regrets and i have missed so many experiences because of my insecurities and skepticism. the worst part of my life is not knowing what could have been and what i have missed. i miss a lot of people i once had in my life and miss the friendships that have been destroyed over the last decade. Many times i have cried at night remembering the love i have shared with people i have cared for so dearly. i wish i could take things back and start time from the beginning. i HATE regret. there is so much i miss and i hope time will bring us back together. i now hope for change and welcome back that which i have lost. Some may never return and others will remain in the earth, but i long for times past and hope we find ourselves in the future.